The Lombard Historical Society recorded many of Lombard’s past residents, many of which you may be familiar with and some that you may not know. Many of the recordings took place in the 1970s and as late as the early 1990s. As we digitize these cassettes, we will make them available.
137 N Park-Meiling House
First Gas Lights in Lombard
Louise Grote Assmann
Lucy Assmann, c.1900s
Curtis Clarence
To learn more about Curtis, check out our blog post.
Anna Louise Sophie Ahrens Marquardt
Anna Marquardt, at her home 225 W. Maple Street
Caroline Fleege Mensing
George Ward Platt
Harold Gray and Doris Platt Gray, 215 S Stewart, 1920.s
George Platt was the brother of Doris, Harold Grays first wife. These are his recollections of Harold and his time in Lombard, Illinois.
Webb Family, Gardens, ND.
Mildred Nelson Webb
Mildred Webbs In-Laws lived at 119 N Main Street and would go on to sell the home to Harold Gray in the 1920s.
In her oral history, she talks about her family and the home at 119 N Main Street.
Dr. Oliver Kobisk
Dr. Bernhard Kobisk and his son Oliver, nd.
Dr. Oliver Kobisk’s Mother was the first woman Postmaster of Lombard. His father was Dr. Frederick Bernhard Kobisk and was the second doctor in Lombard. In his oral history, he talks about life in Lombard, the Kobisk building on St. Charles Road, and his family.
Kobisk Building, St. Charles and Main Street, 1920s.
Grace Patrick Walker
Edwin Deicke, nd.
Edwin Deicke
In his oral history he gives us a clear picture of what the countryside was like when he was a boy.
Alma Elrich Lord
In her oral history Alma discusses what it was like growing up in Lombard, her father working for the Hammerschmidt Family, and their relationship with the Hammerschmidt’s.
Estelle Wasz
Founded the Newcomers Club of Lombard.